The YMCA is proud to be participating in the state’s Universal Pre-K Program (UPK) and has allotted for a set amount of spaces for 4 year olds at each of our locations. If you are interested in a UPK spot, please apply for UPK within the state portal and request the YMCA location of your choice. Because we have a limited number of spots, we cannot guarantee your placement. You may contact the preschool director with additional questions.

What is Universal Preschool?

Universal Preschool Colorado was created in statute under HB 22-1295. The Colorado Department of Early Childhood will launch UPK Colorado in the 2023-24 school year, offering 10 or 15 hours of state-funded, high-quality, voluntary preschool to every Colorado 4-year-old in the year before they are eligible to enter kindergarten. UPK and UPK Plus are offered from September to May.

If your child needs more than 10 or 15 hours of childcare each week, the Y can enroll your child in our UPK Plus program for an additional fee. This is an optional YMCA program for families that are accepted and approved for state UPK funding. During the enrollment process, the Y will inquire about your needs.

Families who qualify for CCAP may still utilize CCAP for additional hours of childcare beyond what is provided by UPK; please contact CCAP to apply.

Learn more about CCAP

How does Universal Preschool work?

When a family has a child who is eligible for UPK, they will apply on the state portal to be “matched” with a preferred provider. During the application process, families will list their top 3 choices of preschool and answer some qualifying questions. The state decides where to place them based on their choices. If they listed a Y Preschool as their first choice, the state will “match” them with our preschool, if space is available. Families will then have a window to accept this match, and then their status will move to “accepted.” Only those who accepted will then be eligible to register for our program. Our directors have access to the UPK portal to check who has accepted. If you have already been matched with YMCA Inspire Preschool and you have accepted, please email us to start the enrollment process.

Apply for UPK