Boulder County Head Start Preschools

The YMCA of Northern Colorado and Boulder County Head Start have a unique partnership. The Dagny School is inside the Lafayette YMCA and The Sunflower School is inside the Boulder YMCA. Registration for these preschools is through Boulder County Head Start. 

Boulder County Head Start promotes school readiness for children, ages three to five, in families with low income by offering educational, nutritional, health, social and other services. Head Start programs enhance the social and cognitive development of children and actively engage families in their children’s learning so that children will be successful in kindergarten.

The Head Start program began in 1965 during the Johnson administration as a summer program for children in poverty entering kindergarten. The Boulder County program began offering services that first year and has been helping families since.

Boulder County Head Start vision statement: “We provide the best in public service for children and families of Boulder County through an integrated approach to school readiness.”


Interested in enrolling? Call 720-564-2206 or email Head Start.

The Dagny School

The Sunflower School