The Mission of the Johnstown Community YMCA and Johnstown-Milliken Rotary Teen Character Awards banquet is to acknowledge, lift-up and reward area teens for acts of character, while also financially supporting character-building programs that strengthen the mission and values of the sponsoring organizations. The Y and Rotary are proud to be honoring local teens on March 16, 2023, at the Johnstown Community YMCA. We invite you to support your community and empower local youth by being a sponsor. 


Partner Sponsor ($3,000)

This is the highest level of sponsorship and includes the price of 8 event tickets.Your organization name will be prominently displayed on promotional materials leading up to the event , included in day of event signage and displayed on ymcanoco.org and internal advertising monitors.

Service Sponsor ($1,000)

This sponsorship includes the price of 4 event tickets. Your organization name will be prominently displayed on promotional materials leading up to the event, included in day of event signage and displayed on ymcanoco.org and internal advertising monitors.

Support Sponsor (up to $999)

Your organization name will be prominently displayed on promotional materials leading up to the event, included in day of event signage and displayed on ymcanoco.org and internal advertising monitors.


The Johnstown-Milliken Rotary Club and the Johnstown Y are conducting a Teen Character Awards Banquet this spring to honor teens who have demonstrated good character skills in our two communities. Teens will be nominated for consideration of their background of service to others, honesty, caring, kindness, respect, and inclusion. This prestigious award will be honored by the Rotary Club of Johnstown/Milken and the YMCA of Northern Colorado. 

To conduct this meaningful recognition program for the youth in our communities, please consider becoming a sponsor. Our community who believes “Youth are the Footsteps of the Future.” Please join us in recognizing teens who represent excellent character in our communities. Sponsorship money will go toward youth scholarships for Rotary and YMCA programs.