It’s easier than ever to ensure your child has the skills needed to stay safe in and around water.

The Y is thrilled to offer swim lessons to children attending our after-school programs, focusing on vital water safety skills, swimming technique and water confidence. Did you know that the Y is the nation’s leading expert in water safety and swim instruction? Ys across the country have developed a swim lesson curriculum that makes it easier for children to become swimmers. Lessons begin with the development of basic self rescue skills as well as gaining confidence and ease in the water. From there, swimmers refine the strokes they have learned and progress their skills.

Each lesson is 45 minutes long. On the first day of lessons, each child will be given a “Skills Evaluation.” At that time, children will be grouped with other children of similar ability based on three different skill levels. At the end of the session, each child will receive a skill card with an evaluation of the swimmer’s skills for the appropriate level.

These swim lessons are only for children signed up for after-school at the Longmont Y. Children must be in attendance in after-school care on day of lesson to participate.

Cost Per Session (6 swim lessons):

  • $98
  • CCAP participants receive 50% off: $49

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