Basic Skills (Ages 7-17)

Basic Skills (Ages 7-17)

Basic Skills teaches the fundamentals of ice skating and provides the best foundation for figure skating, hockey and speedskating. Six progressive levels introduce forward and backward skating, stops, edges, crossovers and turns. Upon completion of the Basic Skills 1-6 levels, skaters will be able to confidently advance to more specialized areas of skating.

Learn to Skate USA

The Y is associated with the Learn to Skate USA movement to make our skating programs more consistent and cohesive for all ages and levels. Learn to Skate USA provides a fun and positive experience for all skaters, inspiring a lifelong love of skating. With Learn to Skate USA, the Y will teach children and adults the fundamentals of ice skating while building confidence and providing a progressive curriculum that ensures success from the first steps on the ice to mastery of advanced skills. With this affiliation, we promote the health and fitness benefits of ice skating and equip each participant with the foundation necessary to reach their goal — be it recreation or competitive in nature. 


Basic 1

  1. Sit on ice and stand up
  2. March forward across the ice
  3. Forward two-foot glide
  4. Dip
  5. Forward swizzles (6-8 in a row)
  6. Backward wiggles (6-8 in a row)
  7. Snowplow stop
  8. Rocking horse (2–3)
  9. Two-foot hop in place (optional)

Basic 2

  1. Forward one foot glides (R and L)
  2. Backward two-foot glide
  3. Backward swizzles (6–8 in a row)
  4. Two-foot turn from forward to backward in place
  5. Moving snowplow stop
  6. Forward alternating half swizzle pumps, in a straight line (slalom-like pattern)

Basic 3

  1. Forward stroking, showing correct use of blade
  2. Forward half swizzle pumps on a circle (6–8 consecutive clockwise and counterclockwise)
  3. Moving forward to backward two-foot turn (clockwise and counterclockwise)
  4. Backward one-foot glides (R and L)
  5. Forward slalom
  6. Two-foot spin (up to two revolutions)

Basic 4

  1. Forward outside edge on a circle (R and L)
  2. Forward inside edge on a circle (R and L)
  3. Forward crossovers, clockwise and counterclockwise
  4. Forward outside three-turn, R and L from a stand-still position
  5. Backward half swizzle pumps on a circle, clockwise and counterclockwise
  6. Backward stroking
  7. Backward snowplow stop (R and L)

Basic 5

  1. Backward outside edge on a circle (R and L)
  2. Backward inside edge on a circle (R and L)
  3. Backward crossovers, clockwise and counterclockwise
  4. Beginning one-foot spin (up to three revs, optional entry and free-foot position)
  5. Hockey stop
  6. Side toe hop (both directions)

Basic 6

  1. Forward inside three-turn (R and L from a standstill position)
  2. Moving backward to forward two-foot turn on a circle, clockwise and counterclockwise
  3. T-stop (R or L)
  4. Bunny hop
  5. Forward spiral on a straight line (R or L)
  6. Forward lunge (R or L)

If you do not see registration available below, we are either in the middle of a session, or registration for the session is currently full. Registration will be open every 6 weeks. If you have questions please email Learn to Skate.

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Ice: Learn to Skate & Figure Skating

303-443-4474 ext. 6203
Email Learn to Skate

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